Need More Patience?
Are you fighting and blaming your spouse often?
Angry for no reason?
Are you irritable and exhausted all the time?
Do your kids insist on sleeping in your bed?
Do you sleep in separate rooms?
Learn to Become a Well F**ked Woman

Your sex life may be the missing piece to your health and overall parenting fatigue.
In a sea of never-ending health advice, we dive deep into every facet of
nutrition, movement, supplements, biohacking, and mental health.
But one topic still hasn’t gotten the air time it deserves.
Gormet Sex.
Sex is the glue.
If you aren’t using it as this superfuel, I guarantee that you are underperforming in every area of your life.
When our intimate relationship is thriving, other parts of our lives thrive.
Kim is a holistic sex and relationship coach who has been shouting from the rooftops about the
incredible healing and transformative power that sex can have on your health and life.
We all know to a degree that sex is good for us— but I don’t think we realize just how much.
Simply put, life-changing sex makes anything
In this 8-week online e-course, or “salon” housed online in a private members’ area.
Participants will be guided week-by-week in a deep and comprehensive education and re-education
of all things related to female sexuality.
My Experience
It's hard to put in words what this course has done for my relationship with myself and my husband. But I'll try. I've always been easily annoyed and kind of irritable, frequently with my husband. I would say sarcastic things, and found it difficult to appreciate and love him fully... and now I know why...I was under-f**ked for the last 20 years. When I first I listened to Kim's podcasts I thought she was a bit "out there". Luckily you don't have to ascribe to her belief system to take the tools that resonate and make sense to you. I am able to retain my faith while learning about the body God gave me.
Reflecting on my intimate relationship with my life long partner as a catholic woman, I can see that I didn't know what "gourmet sex" was supposed to look and feel like. I kind of just thought "we'd just know" or at least figure it out together. But we didn't. There were times in my marriage that I could take or leave sex, it was ok, but didn't rock my world... my libido was low and the cultural conditioning I had absorbed told me that this was "normal". I felt embarrassed to ask for what I wanted, I would rush through the parts about me because I was uncomfortable feeling vulnerable and was embarrassed about my body. I had internalized that feeling pleasure was somehow bad or selfish, I was more comfortable giving pleasure than receiving it.
If you are on the fence about taking this salon... I promise you, you won't regret it.
There is so much to unpack with the information Kim shares. Identifying personal blocks keeping me from showing up fully and re-developing my relationship with my body after being disconnected for so long was such a beautiful experience. I learned that to achieve orgasm I needed to attune to my body, communicate openly and surrender. For a husband to cherish his wife's divine femininity and brings her to God is a sacred quest. What a perfect gift to regulate her nervous system and participate in resetting her body and mind. In my case, and countless others, this gift allows patience and love to flow from me to my husband and children so much more easily.
My understanding of how people learn (I'm a behaviour Analyst) helps me understand the underpinnings of why Kim's work really does work. What really sealed the deal for me was how her work has helped hundreds of women who've experienced trauma and sexual abuse. If those strong women could learn how to have deep, totally surrendered sex with their partners so could I.
Again, if you are even just thinking about it... DO IT. (Then encourage your husband/ partner to take Sexual Mastery for Men. Then you will have both pieces of the puzzle.)
Kim's work has been a game changer in my marriage of 20 years!
If you have any questions about my experience, don't hesitate to reach out and text me 250 241 7333
Who is the Well F**ked Woman for?
The Well-F**ked Woman Salon by Kim Anami is for EVERY woman, of EVERY life stage. EVERY
woman can be a Well-F**ked Woman. Whatever age or stage you are at in your life, you can
achieve all of the epic sexual adventures and milestones I talk about.
All women can!